qul mā asalukum ʿalayhi min ajrin illā man shāa an yattakhidha ilā rabbihi sabīla
Say, "Not I ask (of) you for it any payment, except (that) whoever wills to take to his Lord a way."
Say: “For this, no reward do I ask of you [- no reward] other than that he who so wills may unto his Sustainer find a way!”
Say: I ask of you no reward for this, save that whoso will may choose a way unto his Lord
Say: "No reward do I ask of you for it but this: that each one who will may take a (straight) Path to his Lord."
Say, “I do not ask you for any reward for this ˹message˺, but whoever wishes, let them pursue the Way to their Lord.”
Say, “I ask you no payment for doing this- only that whoever wills may take a path to his Lord.”
Say, I do not ask you for any recompense for this except that anyone who so wishes should take the right path to his Lord
Say: I do not ask you aught in return except that he who will, may take the way to his Lord
Say: I ask of you no compensation for this but that whoever willed should take himself on a way to his Lord.
SAY: "I do not ask you for any payment for it except that anyone who wishes to may accept a way unto his Lord.
Say: “I don’t ask you any reward for this (that I have brought the Qur’an from my Lord and its preaching, etc) except that whoever wills, may take a way to his Lord.”
Say, “I ask not of you any reward for it, save that whosoever will may take a way unto his Lord.
Say, “I ask of you no recompense for this, except for whoever chooses to follow a path to his Lord.”
Say, 'I ask of you no payment for this—only that whoever wills may take a path to his Lord.'
Declare: “I do not ask you, on this (propagation of the Message) any reward, except that whoever desired must pickup a path leading (him) to his Nourisher-Sustainer
Say: "I ask of you no recompense for this work except that he who wants, may take the Right Way to his Lord."
Say, "In no way do I ask of you (any) reward for it except for him who decides to take for (himself) a way to his Lord
Tell them, "I ask no recompense for my preaching to you, except the fact that whoever wants should choose the way of God."
Say, .I do not demand from you any return, except that one should adopt the (proper) way to his Lord, if he so wills
Say, "I ask you no reward for it but this: That whoever wishes, may take a Path to his Lord." (34:47), (42:13)
Say, "In return, I do not ask you for a reward, except that whoever wants may adopt the path towards his Lord!"
Say: "I do not ask any reward from you for it except this: That each one who will (wish to do so), may take a (straight) Path to his Lord."
Say, "I do not ask of you for it any payment - only that whoever wills might take to his Lord a way."
Say: "I do not ask you for any wage; but for whoever chooses to make a path to his Lord."
Say, ‘I am not asking for any reward for it, but anyone who wishes should take a path to his Lord.’
Say thou. ask of you no hire for this, save that whosoever will may take unto his Lord a way
Tell them: "I do not ask any recompense of you for this other than (urging) whoever likes may take the way to his Lord."
Say: ´I do not ask you for any wage for it — only that anyone who wants to should make his way towards his Lord.´
Say: "I ask of you no wage for this (conveying of the Message to you), except that whoever so wills may take a way leading to his Lord."
Say, ‘I do not ask you any reward for it, except that anyone who wishes should take the way to his Lord.’
Say, "I ask you for no reward for this, save that whoever will may choose a way unto his Lord."
Say: “I do not ask you for any wage for it, except that someone may want to take a path to his Lord.”
Say, “No reward do I ask of you for it but this, that each one who wills, take a straight path to his Lord.
Say: “I’m not asking you for payment for this preaching, all I ask of you is: let those who wish to take the path to their Lord do so.
Tell them, "I do not ask of you any recompense for this work: I only ask of the one, who will, to adopt the way of his Lord
Say: "I do not ask you for any wage; but for whoever chooses to make a path to his Lord.
Say, "I do not ask you for anything in return for this except that anyone who so wishes should take the Right Path to his Lord."
Say you, 'I ask of you no wage for this but whosoever wills may take a way towards his Lord.
Say, "I do not ask you for any money. All I seek is to help you find the right path to your Lord, if this is what you choose."
Say: 'I demand of you no wage for this except for he who wishes to take the Path to his Lord.
Say: I ask of you naught in return for it except that he who will may take a way to his Lord
Say: "I do not ask/demand of you on it from a wage/fee except who willed/wanted that he takes to His Lord a way/path ."
Say: “I do not ask you for any consulting fee. All I am asking is to let me help you to find the right path to your Lord, in your freedom of choice.”
Proclaim, “I do not ask any fee from you for this, except that whoever wills may take the way to his Lord.”
Say, `I ask of you no recompense for it, save that whoso chooses may take a way that leads to his Lord.
Say: ‘I do not ask you for any compensation for this (preaching), but that whoever desires to take a path to (reach) his Lord (may step in).
Say, `I ask of you no recompense for it (- the services I render). All that I ask is that whosoever chooses may follow the path (that leads) to his Lord.
Say: "No reward do I ask of you for this (that which I have brought from my Lord and its preaching, etc.), save that whosoever wills, may take a Path to his Lord
Say: 'I do not ask of you a wage for this, except for him who wishes to take to his Lord a way.
Say, I ask not of you any reward for this my preaching; besides the conversion of him who shall desire to take the way unto his Lord
Say, 'I ask you not for it a hire unless one please to take unto his Lord a way.
SAY: I ask of you no recompense for it, except from him who is willing to take the way to his Lord
Say: ‘I demand of you no recompense for this. Let him who will, take the right path to his Lord.‘
Say, “I do not ask of you any fee for it. It is but for such one who may wish to take a way to His Lord.”
Say: ‘I do not ask of you in return (for my preaching) any reward, except that whoever wishes to follow a way to his Lord (and to be saved)’.
Say: I do not ask you for a reward for it, but whoever pleases may choose a way towards his Lord.
Say, “I ask no reward from you for (this message) except for this: that whoever will would take a path to his/her Lord.”
Saysg, “I ask of you no reward for this—only that whoever wills may take a way to his Lord.”
SAY: "I do not ask you for any payment for it except that anyone who wishes to may accept a way unto his Lord.
Say, “I do not ask you to wage upon it, except only whoever wishes to take to his Lord a pathway.”
Say: 'No reward do I ask of you for this. All I ask is that he who so wills may find a way leading to his Lord.'
Say, “The only thing I ask for in return is for you to find the path to your Rabb!”
Say: 'I do not ask you a wage for it (my ministry) except for him who wishes to choose a way unto his Lord'
Say to them -the infidels-: "I do not charge you a price for imparting to you Allah's disclosures of divine knowledge, wisdom and practical divinity, my only reward is to see the one who has decided to open his heart's ears and his mind's eyes and sets himself on the path of righteousness, the path that leads directly to Allah."
And We have not sent you except as a conveyer of good news and as a warner.
Say, 'I do not ask of you a reward for it, except whoever wills that he takes a way to his Lord.'
Say: "No reward do I ask of you for it but this: that each one who will may take a (straight) Path to his Lord."
Say, "Not I ask (of) you for it any payment, except (that) whoever wills to take to his Lord a way.
Qul ma as-alukum AAalayhi min ajrin illa man shaa an yattakhitha ila rabbihi sabeelan
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